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J U N I O R S Our Juniors (ages 7 - 14 yrs), will enjoy club training sessions over the summer school terms (term 4 and term 1). Training is from 4pm – 5.30pm on Tuesdays starting term 4 at the Queenstown Events Centre beside the hockey turf. We will run PB (Personal Best) sessions every alternate week. This gives the athletes a chance to put the skills they have learnt into practice. Times, distances and jumps will be recorded so each child can work on improving his/her own results. The season kicks-off on the first Tuesday of term 4 with an OPEN DAY at the Queenstown Events Centre from 4pm - 5.30pm. All are welcome to come along and give it a try before you register. We will run "give it a try!" sessions for 2 weeks, thereafter your child will need to be registered in order to participate. We rely heavily on parent volunteers to hold these sessions so we ask parents to commit to this at time of signing up. WINTER TRAINING: This season we will be offering cross-country training for those athletes who would like to keep training through the winter. This is included in the yearly membership fee. COMPETITIVE ATHLETES: Those athletes who like to COMPETE, are all welcome to join Southland Athletic meets on Sundays in Invercargill as well as the Colgate Games every year in January. Being a competitive member requires a commitment to travel to inter-club meets in Invercargill over weekends. Our affiliation with Southland offers the opportunity to compete at provincial level, and eligibility for selection on their rep teams. Southland also extends invitations for our members to attend specialised coaching sessions with their club.  Please make contact with Pavla who runs the junior sessions, to let her know if your child is interested in competing. Shared travel as a club can be arranged if we have enough juniors interested. It is important to attend regular meets as it enables the club to field relay teams and build club spirit. Regular attendance also offers eligibility for selection into their REP teams. QA club uniforms will be available to purchase. See Athletics Southland website to plan your season and diarise which events you want to attend.

S E N I O R S Our competitive athletics squad and high school  runners (age 14 – 20+ yrs) train twice a week at the Queenstown Events Centre all year round. Training sessions are run by coach Neville Britton. More up to date information will be posted on our facebook page. These training sessions are specifically for athletes that are competing at the weekend meets in Invercargill and across the country. We now have the option to sign up for "winter only " months.



For our seniors, we now have the option to select "Winter Only" with an option to "top up" if you decide later that you would like to compete over summer as well. As this is the first time this option has been offered, please let us know if you have any issues choosing this product. 

Furthermore, we're also offering a discount of 15% if 3 or more family members register at the same time. This should automatically appear at checkout. Please get in touch if this is not the case. 

To register, click below to be directed to the Gameday portal run by Athletics NZ. Please select the age group category you require. The
yearly fees are divided into 3 parts, one portion of your fees go to Athletics NZ, another to Southland Athletics and a third to our club. All 3 portions should be selected (ticked) to move forward to payment etc. 
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